Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Feedback of MACP Joint Committee meeting held on 27.7.2012 - NFIR
Meeting of the Joint Committee on MACPs Anomalies

As decided in the National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 17/07/2012, the DOPT held separate meeting with the Leaders of Staff Side at North Block, New Delhi, Room No. 190 on 27/07/2012. Shri.M.Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR has participated in the meeting.
Discussions were held on following issues:-
1. Grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy :-
The staff side insisted that option be given to individual employees in this regard to facilitate  him/her to opt for availing benefit of financial upgradation.
After discussion it was agreed to examine in depth for finding solution.
2. Date of effect of MACP Scheme :
The desirability of giving effect to the MACP Scheme w.e. f. 01.01.2006 will be examined.
3. Counting of total temporary status Casual Labour Service reckoning 10/20/30 years under MACP Scheme:
Official Side stated that this will be processed separately.

4. Treatment of employees selected under LDCE/GDCE Scheme:
In the light of the instructions issued when the ACP Scheme was introduced. The same policy be adopted and accordingly orders will be issued. In other words, those inducted through LDCE/GDCE Scheme, such induction may be counted as appointment and will be reckoned as promotion.
5. Problems faced in the identical Grade Pay:
It was agreed to issue instructions for granting additional increment for fixation of Pay in case of promotion to the same Grade Pay. Instructions in this regard will be issued to Ministry of Railways etc .
6. Financial Upgradation Under MACPs, in the case of staff who joined another unit/organisation on request:
The Staff Side has pointed out that OM dated 01/11/2010 should be suitably Amended covering the staff who were transferred on request on reversion to the Unit/Organisation so that the total service rendered in the previous Unit/Organisation may be counted for MACPs. It  was agreed to be considered.
7. Extension of benefit of MACPS to an employee appointed in Grade where direct  recruitment element is there while ignoring service and promotion rendered prior to his appointment in that post:
Official Side reiterated that suitable clarification No. 5 of OM dated 09/09/2012 was already issued.
8. Stepping up of Pay of Senior incumbents at par with Junior incumbents as a consequence of  ACP/MACPs :
Staff Side has explained the case of gross injustice done, more particularly in the Accounts Department of India” Railways wherein the incumbents who cleared the Appendix examination are drawing less pay than those who could not qualify the said examination and got the benefit of MACPs. The staff side insisted that this situation is leading to de-motivation among qualified staff and urged for rectifying the anomalies. It was agreed to consider and Ministry of Railways advised to send the proposal
9. Employees who got one promotion prior to 01/09/2008 and completed over two decades of service without benefit of promotion and are denied third ACP under MACPs:
After discussion, official side agreed that is a peculiar situation and assured to take action to rectify the situation. The staff side has insisted that in such cases third ACP should be straight away given to staff from the date subsequent to the date of completion of two decades of service after promotion. Official side appreciated the logic and reasonableness and agreed to considered.
Official Side apPft’Cialcd the logic and reawnablencss and agreed to consider.
10. Modification of recruitment rules particularly in Railways and upgradation granted by abolition of Pay Scale-Implementation of MACPs :
The Staff Side explained that in the Railways the lower Pay Scales were abolished and posts were upgraded to the higher Pay Scales with revision of recruitment qualification and designation. In such cases the staff side insisted that entry Grade Pay as a result of upgradation subsequent to abolition of lower Pay Scales should be taken into consideration for reckoning 10/20/30 years of service for granting MACP.
Official side has agreed to obtain detials from Ministry of Railways for issuing appropriate clarification. In the meanwhile, Railway Board will have discussion with the Staff Side separately so that appropritate proposal could be sent to the DoP&T.
11. Placement of staff as a result of upgradation of posts :
The Staff side (NFIR) insisted that such placements should not be considered as promotion for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme. 
Official side stated that this will be examined.
12. In the course of discussion the Official Side also stated that MACP Scheme should be a fall-back option and the Ministries should conduct Cadre Restructuring for ensuring that the staff could be promoted within the reasonable time i.e. within 10 years. When the Staff Side pointed out that the Ministry of Railways is citing the instructions of Ministry of Finance issued some years back that only one third of the Cadre could be disturbed, for revising the percentages, the Official Side clarified that necessary clarificatory instructions will be issued to the Ministry of Railways etc., so that the Cadre Restructuring can be done without problems.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reservations for SC/ST in Ordnance Factories

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Defence 

22-August-2012 13:26 IST

Reservations for SC/ST in Ordnance Factory Board

The provisions for giving reservation in employment and promotion to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes employees in Ordnance Factory Board are applied to all posts Gazetted/Non-Gazetted/Non-lndustrial Employees/Industrial Employees, as per instructions/rules of Department of Personnel and Training. For Group 'A' officers the reservation is applied only up to lowest rung in recruitment only.

Vacancies arising on year to year basis are filled up. Sometime due to non-availability of a few candidates some SC/ST backlog vacancies remain unfilled for sometime. This is regularly reviewed by Ordnance Factory Board/Ministry of Defence.

This information was given by Ministry of State for Defence Shri MM PallamRaju in a written reply to Shri Faggan Singh Kulaste in Rajya Sabha today.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bofore Guns Trails at OFB

The Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) will conduct trials of upgraded Bofors guns in January 2013 aiming to bridge the near 25-year void of the Indian Army's requirement of artillery guns."Today OFB is in a position to offer not only the Bofors gun but even the upgraded version of Bofors gun," Director General Ordnance Factory (DGOF) and Chairman OFB, Sashi Dhar Dimri said on the sidelines of the 210th...

Monday, August 6, 2012

2-3-2012 JCM III OFB meeting decisions.

JCM III level meeting of OFBoard Council (11th term 11th ordinary meeting) held on 01-03-2012 and 02-03-2012  at OFB Head Quarters on 01-3-2012, preliniminary meeting was chaired by Member/Personnel and on 02-3-2012 the main meeting was chaired by DGOF/Chairman, OF Board.

Important decision taken, and implemented by OF Board are as follows,

1. For the newly directly recruited IES have been sent for one month induction training to be conducted by factory training schools. The scheme has been started.

2. To develop skills for the locals and to impart training skill development training program was inaugurated at NADP, Ambajhari on 13-02-2012 by Rajya Raksha Mantri.

3. For recruitment of all Group ’C’ posts (IES/NIES) a Central Recruitment Board for Ordnance Fys has been established having office at Ordnance Factory Estate, Ambajhari which will conduct recruitment process from 01-04-2012 centrally.

4. 2172 posts for IEs have been released by OFB for all Ord. Fys, 388 Labourer-SSK post are released for A&E Group of Fys. Labourer posts for other Divisions will also be considered based on their functional requirements and after receiving the proposals.

5. MACP for JWMs promoted prior to 31.12.2005 to the grade pay of Rs.5400/- has been cleared on 02.03.2012.

6. Granting of 30 days EL and Departmental Overtime (DOT) for piece workers will be settled by Chairman/OFB in consultation with Defence Finance and Ministry of Labour and Employment at the earliest.

7. Boiler Attendants in SSK grade will be promoted to skilled grade without Boiler certificate.

8. Rs.12391 crores out put for the year 2011-12 is likely be achieved which is around 40% increase.

9. During the 5 year plan, which is coming to an end supply was made by Ord. Fys. Rs.46000 crores to Army. Now the demand from M of D during the 12th 5 years plan is around Rs.92000 crores which is almost double which has to be met by Ord. Fys.

10. Roll on indent was granted for 5 years by the Ministry to OFB in all the products. No restrictions for buying new plants, modernization of Fys, manpower and financial grants etc.

11. To increase the capacity of Ord. Fys, 3 sick PSUs with all its infrastructure is likely to be taken over by Ord. Fys Board. These plants are in Naini, Hydrabad and West Bengal.

12. Regarding conducting of LDCE examination for the employees to appoint against 25% Quota, due to pending finalisation of the courses / certificates issued by certain institutions, pending finalization, the Exam dates are likely to be postponed to April 2012.

13. Direct – Indirect Ratio of IEs will be reviewed in order to strengthen the maintenance and Quality Control activities is Ord. Fys. Necessary directives will be given to Fys to induct manpower in there areas also.

14. Pay slips which are newly designed by PC of Fys will be given in the month of May for the salary of April month mentioning all the details of payments and Recoveries.

15. Co-Relation of piece work on 6th CPC. The report of the sub-committee was sent to three federations. After receiving their views, OFB will discuss with federations and a consensus proposal will be sent to M of Defence for obtaining final orders.

16. Issues Related to 4 grade structure implementation.
Many factories have not yet completed the process of implementation of 4 grade structure. It was demanded that a time bound action from OFB should be fixed and the same should be monitored for expediting the same. Further, PC of Fys should allow the option to choose the Revised pay after 1.1.2006 on the date of promotion to next higher grade. Exemption of Trade test to fill the resultant vacancies be given, so that back date effect can be given for the promotion granted at a later date. It was agreed by OF Board to monitor the progress of implementation and clarifications required will be completed by April 2012.

17. It was demanded that all the employees appointed in USK grade (Labourer, Erstwhile Group D) all have been up graded to SSK grade Rs.1800/- GP w.e.f 1.1.2006 and therefore their earlier ACPs granted should be ignored and they should be granted ACP on completion of 12/24 years up to 31.08.2008 and after 01.09.2008, if completed 30 years they should be granted III MACP.

18. All MCMs placed before 31.12.2011 were granted upgraded to Rs.4200/- GP. Therefore this is not to be counted ACP and only got one ACP. They should be granted IInd and III ACP ie Rs.4600/- and Rs.4800/-.Since they hot only one ACP to Rs.4000-6000.

19. Uniforms though were approved by the federations with OFB it was demanded that Dress Material as per specifications should be procured centrally and Fys should be given responsibilities to stitch and distribute the dresses at the earliest.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Cadre restructuring of Storekeepers at OFB

KOLKATA – 700001

Sub: Cadre restructuring of Store Keeping Staff in Ordnance Factories Organisation.


After the implementation of the VIth CPC by the Govt. of India, there is a growing demand from staff side to review the Cadre of Store Keeping Staff in the Ordnance Factories Organisation.

2. Accordingly the issue has been examined with the following terms of reference.
i) To examine the stagnation profile of existing Supervisor(Stores) and Store Keepers.
ii) To examine any other issues related to the career progression brought out by the Indian Ordnance Factories Non-Technical Supervisory Staff Association.
iii) To suggest a viable cadre structure proposed in the Non-Tech. (Stores) discipline for the Supervisors (Stores) and Store Keeper.
3. Consequent upon the implementation of the 6th CPC the cadre structure of Store Keeping Staff in the OF. Organisation is as follows :-

Name of the PostPay Band and Grade PaySanction StrengthResidency period post 6th CPC
Store KeeperPB-1 G.P. Rs.19001076Nil being a DR Post
Supervisor(Stores)PB-1 G.P. Rs.24008278 Years
Chargeman (Stores)PB-1 G.P. Rs.420072510 Years
JWM (Stores)PB-1 G.P. Rs.46003175 Years

4. There is acute stagnation in the Store Keeping cadre. For promotion from Storekeeper to Chargeman (Stores) the residency period required is 18 years. About 394 employees are stagnating far from date of holding Store Keeper post. Relatively, stagnation amongst Supv(NT/S) is much more as compared to stagnation amongst Store Keepers. In Store Keeper post 9 years is 69 and for Supv. the said no. is 165. One of the main reasons for stagnation is reduction in the sanction strength of Chargeman (S) due to abolition of Posts during ADRP.

5. Also, the Cadre review of stores stream has not been undertaken for a long time. There is considerable stagnation at the level of Supv.(NT/S) as stated earlier. For Supv.(NT/S) with a strength of 827 posts there are about 363 promotional posts of CIM(S), which is another main reason for acute stagnation.

6. After implementation of the recommendation of the 5th CPC different intergrade ratios were prescribed for Technical and Non-Technical Supervisory Staff in the Ordnance Factories Organisation vide M of D letter No.44(1)/2002/III/D(Fy-ll) dt. 01.10.2002 (copy enclosed). For Non-Technical Supervisory Staff the ratio for JWM & CJM works out 30:70, where as for Technical Supervisory Staff i.e. JWM(T) and C/M(T) the ratio is 40:60, which also puts non-technical staff in a disadvantageous position as far as career prospects are concerned.

7. Considering all the above facts; the revised stature is proposed to be as follows.

PostProposed StrengthProposed Ratio
JWM (Stores)41714
Chargeman (Stores)89430
Supervisor (Stores)83428
Stores Keeper83428

8. The financial implications of the cadre restructuring is as follows.

GradePB & G.P.
in Rs.
Mid point
of the
PB Plus G.P. in Rs.
Present Sanction StrengthProposed Sanction StrengthNo. of
posts proposed
to be created
or surrendered
Financial implication per month
Store KeeperPB-1, 5,200-20,200 G.P.1900/-146001076834(-) 242(-)242x14600 = (-) 3533200
Supervisor (S)PB-1, 5,200-20,200 G.P.2400/-15100827834(+)7(+)7 x 15100 = (+) 105700
Chargeman (S)PB-2, 9,300-34,800 G.P.4200/-26250725894(+)169(+)169x26250 =(+) 4436250
JWM (S)PB-2, 9,300-34,800 G.P.4600/-26650317417(+)100(+)100x26650 =(+) 2665000
Total :-
29452979(+)34(+)100x26650=(+) 3673750

The financial implication per annum works out to Rs. 3673750 × 12=Rs.44085000/-. For matching saving, it is proposed to surrender 254 posts of Labourer in the pay band-i, Rs. 5,200- 20,200/- and G.P. Rs. 1800/-, (financial implication per annum for 254 posts of Labourer = 14500 x 254 x 12 = Rs. 44196000). This will result in savings of Rs. 111000/- per annum.

9. Ministry of Defence is requested to kindly approve the above proposal for cadre restructuring of Store Keeping Staff.
