Monday, July 11, 2011

One Year Sultans of OFB

It is unfortunate to note that the OFB Chairman's tenure is 12-15 months. Firse 3 months they visit the factories to know the conditions and the last 3 months they visit for farewells. Only 6 months only they try to do their own business,ignoring the productivity. The 6th Pay Commission recommended for reduction of pay scales with grade pays but not the grades. OFB allowed their Group A officers grades and reduced the grades of Supervisory staff merging the CM II with CM I and AF,SH,FM( Group B Non Gazet) with JWM ( Group B Gazet). This merger was opposed by NDNGSA and supported by AIANGO and all Federations. The then Chairman,Sri.Agarwal opposed the merger of Af with JWM, since they are having different functions in production line. This was supported by then Members of OFB. After his one year tenure, Sri.Gupta became Chairman , who supported as a Member and after becoming Chairman supported the merger to please the federations and the AIANGOassociation, ignoring the reasons of opposing the mergers of NDNGSA and announced the Merger acceptance.
After Merger the two Associations are amended their bye laws and submitted for their approval on the basis of MOD letter and GO. The MOD letter says that there is no bar on the associations of G & NG can become members in one association, but the number of associations should be not more than 2. As on date there are 3 recognised associations i.e AIANGO, NDNGSA and IOFGOA. So the last one looses their recognition on the basis of their strength. MOD asked the OFB vide their letter No.14(1)/2009/D(JCM) dated28-3-2011 asking to verify the membership of AIANGO and NNDNGSA on the basis of their membership of CM and JWMs(before merger they are AF,SH,FM) and call a meetring of these 3 associations and explain the position for their future rcognition . Here OFB is not interested to follow their instructions due their own interests.
Now OFB refused to accept their bye laws of these associations and informed MOD vide their letter No.OFB OD No.14/31/2011/A/IR dt.31.5-2011, stating that A larger number of NGOs have become GOs after the said merger and hence both associations have proposed to include those GroupB GOs also in their membership. (It seems that OFB is ignorant/pretending ignorant of the effects of the merger of group B nongazetted people with Group B gazeted people by merging with out giving any promotional financial benefits,( seems foolish)
Further OFB says that if NGO's and GO's represent the same association,administrative and functional problems may occur, since the NGOs(CMs) have to work under the supervisory and functional control of the GOs. Here OFB officials seems that they can fool the MOD by saying this, ignoring the Pay commission observations that CMs to JWMs comes under Supervisory staff only. People knows that these JWMs are re-atogorised ex-Foremans, with out any financial benefits and has to work of the ex-foreman only.(as per the OFB letter only) If the present Chairman seems knows only now, the problem and forgotten the effects before ordering the Merger. When he accepted the merger with knowing the effects on production, then why he raises hue and cry for their joining in one association is not understood and seems foolish. It is a fact that AWMs to Chairman comes one formal service association only.
Now he remembers the CCS(RSA) Rules 1993 Rule 5(c)" membership of the service associions has been restricted to a distinct category of Government services, having interest of all such government servants servants being eligible for membership of the service association". At the time of merger of these two posts with out any financial benefits, seems he lost the memory of the CCS rules and Ordered the Merger.
Now only he raised this issue of recognition of the Associations as per the MOD letter that only 2 associations permitted, since the concerned officials desires to save the IOFGOA, thus raising the issues. There is a practice that the CCS rules can be changed depending upon the changes in the structure of the government servents. As per GO, there are only Group A,B,C,D and not defined who are G and NG. The existing CMs and JWMs are coming under Group B with the basic pay of Rs.9300-34000 with GP of Rs.4200 and Rs.4600. So they can be in one association. All ready the NDNGSA already raised the same problems , if the mergers are accepted. But the present Chairman ignored and carried the Merger and raising the same problems to save IOFGOAssociation.
The NDNGSA suggested the 4 grade structure in the intgerest of the organisation.But MOD and OFB not agreed and now raising the function and production supervisory isues by OFB seems to mis guide MOD for their misdeeds in the past.
Now the retired persons suggest the following for future recruitment and promotions in the interest of the production and productivity at ordnance factories.
CM II Rs.9300-34000 basic with GP 4200 for new recruitees
CM I -do- 4600 for existing ones
No.AF -do- 5400 for promotees
JWM -do- 6600 for existing and promotees.
This is the suggestions can be studied by all associations and federations and implement for better production in future.

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