THE EXISTING SERVICE ASSOCIATIONS AMENDED THEIR BYE LAWS AFTER THE MERGER OF AFS,SHS,FMS ( GROUP B NG ) WITH JWMS (GROUP B Gazetted). They want both CMs and JWMs should be in their Associations, since both belong to Group B category,having same BP with different GP.nd JWMs .But OFB refused their request and informed that their request of amending bye laws are not considered vide the Lt.No.14/31/2012A/IR dt.18thJan 2012. That means that CMs and JWMs should not be in one association and should have seperate associations. Here OFB not follows the Rules. The actual Position is : CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 says Association can be formed between distinct category of Govt. servants having common interests.
Largest Association shall have 35% membership and second shall have 15%.
Any amendment in bye laws shall be made with proper approval of Govt.
After publication of Gazettee notification dated 9-4-09 and conseqent upon merger of AF/FM/SH with JWM,Associations amended bye-laws to include JWM as members as after publication of GO where it classified the Govt.employees as Group A,B,C & D depending upon their pay and paybands, Both CM and JWM are in Group B only. MOD vide their letter dated 28th March 2011 stated that there is no bar on Non-Gazetted Officers and the Gazetted officers forming one association, but there can not be more than two associations in one organisation representing the same distinct categories. ( as per CCS(RSA) rules there is no more than two is not spelled). OFB has never defined any functional duties of any cadre and followed as on date. As far as decipline is concerned the CCS(Conduct) rules covers to all employees.
MOD directed OFB to take into confidence all the concerned associations and exam the issue but OFB taken decisions of its own with malafide intentions. OFB informed in their letter dated 31-5-2011 that CM works under JWM so administrative and functional problems may occur. Here OFB forgotten that JWM works under one HOS JWM. OFB accorded Recognition to IOFGOAssociation,where JWM and Promoted AWM are members (JWM is a Gr.B and AWM is a Gr.A). Here JWM has to work under AWM. There is one more association IOFS exists where AWM to DGOF/Chairman are members ,where all the AWM works under WM, and the WMs work under DGM and DGM works under JT.GMs and so on.
It seems that these IOFS cadre decided to destroy this Otdnance Factories due to their selfish ends. Already Mr.Gupta ex.chairms demoralised the supervisor cadre by merging and the present chairman wants to divide the supervisory cadre. He says that JWM is a Group B gazetted post but comes under Supervisory cadre. It is unfortunate that MOD is also a spectator in this game plan of detroying the OFB to encourage Private Sector.
Its better to keep this JWM post as supoervisory with OT and all aloowances because they are alredy performing duties of supervisory cadre only........!
ReplyDelete1.Instead of going to court or
2.even going to court also in a parallel way
3. we should form a new Association and
4.merging the association with NG association...........
Just think over the possibilities.......aas OFB already told to MoD that AWM s are working as head of such a case to create that many AWM posts to act as HOS for smooth running of factories by withdrwing the gazetted status or otherwise
this is my view only.....just think over ............
who demanded for gazetted status,If gazetted status given with out any status and financial benefits and working as a supervisor or even Clark or as a labourer then gazetted status should be withdrawn immediately.One day will come all the Govt. employees became gazetted for stopping over time and other allowances.Now the scenario is a labourer without any writing or managing skill becomes JWM/T(Civil /Mech/Elect/Chem etc)by the effect of merger by 6th CPC recommendation.But a Degree/Diploma holder will retire in JWM with out any carrier progression.What do the organization will demand with out giving any kind of support to the carder.Ordnance factory future is going to be dark...