Friday, March 4, 2011

Save Ordnance Factories

Some well wishers ,met the workers ,staff and the officers at different places and the following observations made by them are given below for your information.
1. The Rajyadaksha,Nair and Kelkar Committee reports are not implemented.
2.Who are responsible for not implementations of these committees reports ? Is IOFS,NGO,NIE or IE cadre ?
3.What is the role of Unions/Federations and Associations ?
4.Is there is any system to measure Accountability of the employees ?
5.Is theere is any rationaalism in increasing the number of factories? Are they meet the production requirements or on political considerations ?
6.What is the role of the Ministry ?
7.Are the users satisfied with Ofs products ?
8.Are the officers are having any control on design of products and market requirements and prizing and quality control, and is there any accountability on production and productivity?
9.Is there any ratio between officers,staff and industrial employees strength?
10.Is there any real training programmes for the staff and officers ,to understand the latest technology?
11.Is there any Transfer Policy exists ?
12.Are the factories are self sufficient and earning profits ?
1.Say that there is no committed and honest Leader at the top. The Chairman is not having any authority for production items and only follows the MOD instructions..
2.Now a days the Chairman's tenure is 8 to 18 months. He spends initial visits of the factories and then farewell visits and no time to think about of the organisation. The short lived chairmen's overlook the earlier chairman's plans to suit their ends.
3.There is no scientific prizins system and no assessing the mrket requirements.
4.The Supervisory staff feels that their promotional avenues are curtailed in every pay commissions. So they are demoralised.
5.The GM's tenure also short lived and they feel that they are not having financial powers and depends of the Accounts approvals.
6.Industrial employees feels that they are exploited by the staff and officers.
7.IOFS officers feels that they are not enjoying at par with IAS and IPS cadre.and feels that they are only working and others not.
8.The Supervisory staff feels that their promotionl avenues are reduced and the Officers promotionl avenues are increased with out any duties and responsibilities.
1.USERS are feeling that they are not getting the products in time,substandard.
2.They feel that their money is blocked by payment of advance payments.
3.They want to purchase their requirements in open market so that can get the same product in time at low costs.
1.Form a committee of honest retired senior officers and ask them to study the existing conditions and suggest the remedial actions with in a frmed time.
2.These remedial actions should be endorsed by the all the existing GM's for final implementtions.
3.The committee can study the existing number of factorie who are doing similar products aand the existing ratio of the officers,staff and industrial strength and grades.

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